Thursday, May 7, 2009


i still wondering today is a lucky or unlucky day....
lets start the i lost my purse at coll's library...again=_='''

those who know me well they wil know how careless im...
yes!!im a super duper careless girl...
frankly speaking..this is not my 1st time or 2nd time i lost my purse..
i think hmmmm its the 4th time i can say...
lost until myself also immune adi...

the story goes like i think i accidentally left my purse on the computer table there...
at 1st i never notice bout it until lunch time..
when i wanted to go for lunch tat time..i touch my pocket n i realise the purse wasnt with me...alamak~ i tot i put it on the table then i go search for it...
manatau ~i couldnt find it...sad-nya...
wat to do~have to face the truth...i did lost my purse AGAIN..
luckly i didnt put every important card inside that purse but its include my ic,lisence,bank card and RM 250++.....T.T
according to wat pak cik security say..yesterday another guy lost his wallet at coll ppl out there do look after ur wallet carefully..
after tat i ask for help from pehpeh...he drive me all the way to police station and bank..thankz to those who help me alot today....appreciate it..

But at the same time today was my lucky day also..
why why why??
because....around 8pm tat 2 good hearted girls..
came over my house n return bek the purse for me..
its so unbelievable and i felt so amazed~
they r joanne and another girl im not so sure about it..
tats so kind of them..thanks~

i learn a valuable lesson today..
which is taking care of my purse more more more carefully.
i hope i can..=P
God bless me........

1 comment:

Shortybee said...

WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS SO CARELESS???? ^^;; u know who i am?